I know we’re still in spooky season, and the holidays will be here before you know it. It’s never too early for holiday cheer and that starts now for planning for your Holiday Portrait Session. This year we have a brand new, limited edition set that will only be available for 1 day, November 12, […]
Category: Uncategorized
Millie – Fine Art Pet Portraits
I met Millie and her owner Jazmine at a scentwork class and have had a fun and jovial friendship with them ever since. Millie is a star in all her sport classes, which really lets her breed characteristics of being a Portugese Water Dog, shine through. Once she got here for her session, she let […]
Megatron – Fine Art Pet Portraits
Megatron is a Belgian Malinois, and if you know anything about them, their presence is undeniable. They are mostly known for their police work, bite work and for sporting Olympic-type athleticism. His owner Kelly, is an avid animal lover and supporter, and opted to have her Portrait Session Fee donated to the Phoenix Zoo as […]
A Puppy Named Fish – Fine Art Pet Photography
Dogs aren’t just pets, but a beloved part of the family, often preceding children or being the last child remaining once the kids go off to college. Many owners consider their dog very much a part of the family, no different than children. And so it is important that we celebrate our dogs with professional […]
Light, Silver & Thorn – Fine Art Pet Photography
Light, Silver and Thorn made an appearance in the studio for their first ever professional portraits. Both Silver and Thorn (border collies) are champion agility sport dogs, so their enthusiasm and drive to please was so much fun in the studio as they offered up funny poses and expressions. And Light (husky) is the older, […]